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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 131, 2010

Alex's game got cancelled tonight (raining) which is a good thing.. he's been sick and needed the rest, here he is with his graduation present (His new Mac) and he's multi-tasking texting on his phone. Amazing how kids have so much to say when they are typing on their phones!


  1. lol.. yes, it is strange how much they have to say on their phone. I thought he hurt his ankle???

  2. Oh he is so cute!! Hope he feels much better soon. Glad the game got cancelled, Hope you had a nice night in.

  3. Sandy, He did hurt his ankle. He's been having some other issues not being able to eat, I think the doctor figured it out though... he was able to eat today and was even hungry.

  4. Glad both his ankle and eating is better. I can relate to the texting...oops yes I'm one of those too.

  5. sorry the game got cancelled, but he sure looks comfy with his "toys"

  6. Glad Alex is doing better. I wish I had some down time to enjoy my toys. :)
