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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 133, 2010

I didn't technically take these photos today, but I found them today. I used the camera in my purse for taking a quick cute photo of the kitties..and when I went to upload them to my computer I found these two pictures I took of the lighting at the hotel I was at last week. I don't know what it was about this fixture, but I was so intrigued by it. lol I totally forgot that I had taken the photo.


  1. From my "dashboard" I thought it was a dandelion and I love dandelions!
    Beautiful photo!

  2. That's a cool picture. I won't tell anyone you didn't take the pic that day....shhhh

  3. lol I won't tell either that you didn't take it on this day. Its a pretty great lighting fixture. I can see why you took it. :)

  4. I won't tell either. lol. It is a cool picture

  5. Totally can see why you wanted that shot! :-)
