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Friday, June 11, 2010

Day 162, 2010

Today we had some bad news. More test results came back for Cliff. Two spots on the brain and 99% blockage in Coradid artery. More test in the morning to see what the spots are, then if that's nothing, having surgery on the artery. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. He truly is one of those very nice, very good people you feel privileged to meet in this world. Also, pray for Doug. He's being very strong, but I know it's very hard for him.


  1. Oh I am sorry to hear that Lorrie, remember we have a BIG GOD, nothing is impossible for HIM. I will continue to keep Cliff and Doug in my prayers. BIG HUGS

  2. Your family is in my thoughts and prayers.

  3. Many hugs and Prayers going out for Doug's Dad and his family and you.

  4. Prayers for Doug and Cliff. (and everyone else too)

  5. So sorry he's going thru all of this. He and rest of family will continue to be in my prayers!
